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Apr 12 / rivervalley

shield your eyes

This band are sick.  Live, absolutely feral.  Their two release to date “Shield your Eyes” and “Shield ’em” make complex rhythm change, balanced with jazzy bluesy chord progressions and a spate of screaming yells seem like natural things for a punk pop noise group to do.  Going from straight up aggression, to heart felt they run the gamut.

Crazy blues styled math punk is one way to describe them.  It may not be accurate but its one way.  Steph strums his guitar with a slide until all the strings are broken, the various combination of strings left seems to dictate what they’ll play in-between.  Screaming his little heart out all the time, it’s definately something to watch.  Leaving most people I’ve talked to who’ve seen them are totally confused as to how he actually plays. The sounds he generates seeming at once complex, and appearing totally random at the same time.  Some sort of highly controlled chaos. The drumming is incredible.  I don’t know what this man knows about a snare, or a tom, but I’ll listen.  It’s not supposed to be this way,  they should be massive. Seriously people wake up, and for god’s sake shield your eyes.