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Apr 12 / rivervalley

earth : under appreciated

I saw Earth play twice last year (2009).  The first time, at Sonic City in Kortrijk, Belgium, was as close to an outer-body transcendental spiritual experience I’m likely to ever experience.  Their sound has an absolutely amazing clarity,  the whole time I was in serious danger of getting smacked in the face by Dylan Carlsons’ guitar as he squeezed and shook those impeccable shimmering sustains from it.  Needless to say my jaw was open pretty much the whole time (apart from when I was asking him to speak up between songs – oops).  Truth be told, I had been listening to HEX; Or Printing in the Infernal Method for a while, but it hadn’t quite hit me until then.  A few months later I saw them at the Roadburn festival in Tillburg, and realised just how amazing they had been in Belgium.  The performance at Roadburn was great, don’t get me wrong.  But in that large theatre didn’t floor anyone, maybe people were there were too much into St. Vitus merchandise and their beards to notice, I don’t know.

Anyway, SAVAGE album (if that is the word to describe something of such clarity)